- Buka vipre antivirus
- Klik help, pilih registrasi.
- Masukan key "00000-00000-00000-00000-00000" Klik Ok.
- Maka akan muncul pop-up untuk memasukan registration password.
- Jalankan keygen, masukan tahun kadaluarsanya, lalu klik generate password.
- Copy n paste password yang di hasilkan di kotak pop-up registration password.
- Selesai
System Requirements :
- At least an IBM Compatible 400MHZ computer with minimum 512MB RAM
- At least 150MB of available free space on your hard drive
- All Internet browsers are supported for Active Protection, scanning, and removal of threats. Internet Explorer 6 or higher must be installed for VIPRE to function properly; however IE does not have to be your default browser.
Windows 2000 SP4 RU1, Windows XP and higher (32 and 64-bit), Windows Vista and higher (32 and 64-bit), Windows 7 (32bit & 64-bit)Supported Email Applications:
Outlook 2000 and higher, Outlook Express 5.0 and higher, Windows Mail on Vista, and SMTP and POP3 (Thunderbird, IncrediMail, Eudora, etc.)